24 hours 

Well… I just don’t have enough time. This is a response I use way too often. In fact I’m pretty sure I’m overdrawn on frequently and conveniently using this excuse of which I’m sure you can relate. There is an appearance of more to get done than hours in the day. The reality is, God gives everyone the same 24 hours in one day. It is truly something we all have in common, nothing more, nothing less, we all have 24 hours in the same day. Therefore God has placed this time for us to get everything that needs to get accomplished, accomplished in the same 24 hours. God is no respector of persons when it comes to the same 24 hours. So being this is a truth I cannot escape and you cannot escape, we all have 24 hours.

As I have so declared,  I just don’t have enough time; what leads me to believe I don’t have enough time?  Or maybe that I’m some special case, secretly provided with only 20 hours.  Does my time disappears faster than others? (At times it sure feels like it.) And here come the embarrassing excuses of what drains my time. The excuses are often what God has blessed me with: a beautiful family, a job, friends.  Oh and what about time for me? So why do I feel so cheated on time? Why do I feel time falls through my hands? Maybe I need to ask myself better questions instead of declaring I just don’t have enough time.

So here are the more appropriate questions I have begun to ask myself: Why don’t I make time? What am I doing with my time? How am I glorifying God with my time? even better!

Yes I do have plenty on my plate; however NOTHING that God cannot walk me through and find moments within the same 24 hours.

Here’s the sickly statement I hope sticks with you.

Whenever we justify insufficiency  i.e. I just don’t have time, we grant permission to stay exactly the same and never giving God the opportunity to transform our thought in how we see the insufficiency to place our trust in His ability to provide in these 24 hours.

Trusting in His timing happens when I place the priority of resting in His ability and not my  perceived insufficiency of not enough hours in the day. And whoa! wouldn’t you know it, it is the moment when I STOP looking at my lack and look to God and I find I have time. It’s almost like there’s an endless amount of time within these 24 hours. However  when I complain and say I don’t have time, I play God and tell God that the 24 He has given me is not enough, it doesn’t measure up and I somehow can’t get accomplished what He wants me to get accomplished. That’s quite dangerous and so like the human nature to tell God get off the throne!

So instead of saying: I just don’t have enough time, let’s ask one more question: what do I need to let go that is consuming my time and inhibiting my ability to get accomplished what God is called me to get accomplished in this 24 hours.  Which for me happens to be writing and sharing, something I completely enjoy,  get lost in. The truth is we often make time for things that we really truly want to make time for. I do enjoy writing and sharing on this blog however what I thought was important (relying on my insufficiency) was spending hours and hours writing. Turns out with a full-time job full-time, mommy and wife dedicating hours and hours in a day is not a reality in my world right now. So I prayed for wisdom and asked how I could remove the excuses and rely on His sufficiency in these 24 hours as it pertains to writing.

What is actionable? What is something I can do now?  Let me remove once again the preconceived insufficiency of not enough time and honor you, be led of you with my time. You know what, God honors a willing heart. He sees the sacrificed moments and when we are faithful over the little moments He steps in and does the exceedingly abundantly above all that one could ask or think. As I have trusted God with the 24 hours, God has allowed this blog to touch 9 different countries this month alone! This is exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ask or think.

 So we still do have the same 24 hours…

Don’t get stuck excusing your life away stating you don’t have time. We have been given this gift of today to steward and we are not promised tomorrow. What does your now look like? How will you spend the next 24 hours?

If you have a moment go check out what we are planning for in the Orlando area at wcboydministries.com

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