My Job #30daysofgratitude

This picture captured why I am grateful for my job and why I enjoy working for one of the worlds most recognized brands.This picture was taken shortly after my training and reminds me why I took a leap from comfort and familiar to the unknown. The company is more about the people and their limitless potential with the devices then the actual technology.

This little guy happened to be with his mother and his twin looking to purchase their first home computer. It was beautiful to see the enthusiasm, the pride and joy! They were buying a computer to help them get ready for kindergarten. This guy was so excited and wanted to hurry the process and was so determined to help his mama to the car by “carrying” it out.

I am fortunate to work for an amazing company. A company that pushes beyond technology barriers with beautiful design yet is not afraid to embrace the humanity of the being who will use this technology no matter the age. This little guy couldn’t wait to use his new computer for reading which would prepare him for kindergarten and skills for the years to come! Limitless potential!

Today I am grateful for my job at Apple, what are you grateful for?

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